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Face Massage

Face Massage

Face massage is a specialized type of massage therapy that focuses on the face, head, and neck. Face massage can also help with neck pain.

Face Massage at Earth Breath Yoga in Beaverton Oregon

face massage

At our massage studio, we offer face massage services. We incorporate a blend of face massage styles, including Indian Head Massage, to help reduce tension in the face and jaw, and reduce the frequency and severity of headaches and TMJ. Face massage is a gentle massage technique, similar to Swedish massage, used to relieve tension and stress in the facial muscles, as well as improving circulation and reducing puffiness. Face massage can help with conditions such as migraines, headaches, sinusitis, TMJ, and jaw pain. It can also help reduce wrinkles, increase collagen production, and improve the overall tone and texture of the skin.


Face massage can also help with headaches by alleviating the tension and tightness in the facial muscles, which can cause headaches. It works to relax the muscles in the face, which can help alleviate headaches as well as reduce tightness in the jaw and neck. Thnecke massage also helps to increase blood flow to the head, which helps reduce sinus pressure and bring relief from headaches. Face massage helps with headaches by relieving muscle tension and improving circulation, which in turn helps to reduce inflammation and pain.

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